Nov 19
Men's Breakfast and Bible Study on December 3
Men of Cornerstone, you are invited to join us for our monthly men's breakfast and Bible study, Bring breakfast items to cook and share; the meal begins at 7 a.m., teaching at 8 a.m.
Nov 19
Men of Cornerstone, you are invited to join us for our monthly men's breakfast and Bible study, Bring breakfast items to cook and share; the meal begins at 7 a.m., teaching at 8 a.m.
Our Women’s Christmas Coffee Outreach will be held at 7 p.m. on December 8 in the church basement. Now is the me to start inviting friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. Invitations are on the back table in front of the sound booth. The guest speaker is Michelle Ruhlmann, the teacher of “Every Woman’s Grace” at Grace Bible Church in Hutchinson, KS. We hope you will keep this date open so you can join us for worshipful music, delicious Christmas treats, good coffee, and sweet fellowship in our Savior! All women who are junior high age and above are invited.