Welcome Back Sunday - Aug. 25, 2024
9 am: Children age 4 - Jr Hi meet in basement. Adults
meet in the auditorium. Ministries will be highlighted
with leaders to answer your questions. Light
refreshments provided outdoors during ministry fair.
10:15 am: Worship Service
3:30-8:30 pm: Fellowship Potluck at Sedgwick County Park; Meal - 6 pm Follow the QR code to sign up to help with set-up or tear down and to indicate the food you will contribute. For more info, follow the QR code.
Fall Dates Flyer - Take a flyer listing important dates for life at CBC
this fall in front of the sound booth.
Men’s Breakfast, Sat., Sep. 7, 7 am in the church basement.
Breakfast is potluck style; bring already prepared or to make in kitchen
downstairs. Enjoy fellowship and testimonies.