4:45 Tonight
ICL - Meeting time is early today

6:00 Tonight
> Age 4-Grade 4 - Ranger Joe; Nursery provided for Ages 0-3

> Youth Group - Youth House

> Gods Promised Plan of Blessing & Your Wise Submission- Auditorium

After Evening Service Tonight - Farewell to Waters
The Waters Family is moving to Salina. Join us in a time of fellowship
over ice cream as we say goodbye. Well have a basket for cards/notes

CBC Park Ladies - 10 am, Tuesday - Evergreen Park
ALL ladies, with or without kids, are welcome. Bring a sack lunch/
snack. See future locations & details on foyer bulletin board & at
CornerstoneFamily Facebook Page.

Neighborhood Evangelism - 7 pm - Wednesday
Meet at CBC. See Eric Hershberger if questions.

5:11 Groups to Resume in Fall
If you have not been part of one of these groups in the past, & are
interested, please see Pastor Kris or Pastor Tim.