7:05 Tonight - Men’s ICL: New Testament Survey 1
Men, you can still sign up on the foyer bulletin board this morning.
June 6-10 - VBS - Pray for Children & Workers
Of 110 children registered, 60 do not call CBC their home church! Pray
for this gospel outreach opportunity. (Families, pick up a music CD.)
Neighborhood Evangelism/Outreach - Wed., June 8
Meet at CBC at 7 pm. See Eric Hershberger if questions.
CBC Park Ladies - 10 am, Tuesdays, Beginning June 14
ALL ladies, with or without kids, are welcome. Bring a sack lunch/snack.
Schedule & locations in foyer & at Cornerstone Family Facebook Page.
Suniga Baby Shower - 7 pm, Thursday, June 16
Ladies, help us honor Maddie in anticipation of the birth of Baby Girl
Moriah. She is registered at Target & Amazon under Madelyn Suniga.
Embrace Change for Life - Return Bottles by June 19
Fellowship Meals in Homes - June 26
See insert for details. Deadline to sign up: Sunday, June 12.
Women’s Fellowship - June 28, Manhattan House
All women, high school & older, are welcome to join us at 7 pm for an
evening of testimony, music, snacks, & friendship. Invite a friend or
neighbor! The gospel will be presented. Sign up in the foyer.