6:00 Tonight - The Word of God for Everyone!

Next Sunday, Nov. 28 - No Sunday School

Pleasant Valley Elementary Christmas Outreach A few ornaments remain on the tree in the foyer. You may still take an
ornament or two, purchase & wrap the indicated gift with the
ornament attached on the gift, & return it to the tree, or give it to Zach
or Jenny Carlson here at CBC, by Dec. 12. See table in back for more

Christmas Gift for Our Missionaries
The elders will be giving our missionaries a special monetary Christmas
gift from our general fund. If you would like to add to the amount of
this gift, please do so by Sunday morning, Dec. 12. Cash, or checks
written to CBC with either Missions,or a designated missionarys
name on the check memo line, are tax-deductible. You may also use an
offering envelope to designate for a specific missionary: Beakley,
Richert, or Rasulov. Thank you!

Caroling - Wednesday, Dec. 15
Sign up in the foyer to sing with us. Questions? See Pastor Kris.