6:00 pm · Evening Service · Systematic Theology
· Age 4-Grade 6 - Adventure Club · Junior High - Power Room
· Youth Group - Manhattan House · Nursery provided for Ages 0-3
Welcome Visitors to Cornerstone Corner · Today
The fourth Sunday of each month, in the Power Room, we will have a
brief informational presentation about our church for visitors and
newcomers . Five minutes after service ends, come receive a gift and
ask questions while enjoying a light refreshment.
Czech Republic Short Term Missions Trip · Update
We have had an overwhelming response to the call for those to join the
short term missions team for next year. Only a few spots remain! Please
talk to Nathan Dick ASAP if you desire to be a part or need more
information. Firm commitment is needed by Sun., Nov. 3. For those
CBC members age 18 & up still needing information, if you missed last
week’s, join us for a brief informational meeting today at noon in the
basement. Cost will be $2500-3000.
Directory Photos · Today
Take part in this vital ministry to the body of Christ by having your
photo taken for the directory! For those who have not previously done
so, have had a change in your family (marriage, a birth, etc.), or your
photo is over a few years old.
Thanksgiving Fellowship Meal - Nov. 17
Join us at the Sedgwick County Extension office this year!
Meat will be provided; please sign up to bring sides.
Deadline for signup is Nov. 3.