No Evening Service · Labor Day
Systematic Theology resumes next Sunday evening; Adventure Club begins next Sunday, as well.
Men’s Breakfast, Sat., Sep. 7, 7 am in the church basement.
Breakfast is potluck style; please bring your items already prepared or cook in CBC kitchen. Enjoy fellowship and testimonies.
Adventure Club Begins Sun. Evening Sep. 8
Parents of children aged 4 through 6th grade, please sign
up your children to participate in Adventure Club. Use the
QR code or visit the table in the foyer for more info. Please
also pick up your AC books and other materials today.
WATTs (Women’s Bible Study) Begins 7 pm, Sep. 10
Join us as we study The Beauty of Confession - A Study of Psalm 51,
taught by our Women’s Ministry teachers on Tuesday evenings at CBC.
Sign up in foyer; see Brandy Elsner with any questions. NOTE: A morning
class using the same materials will be led by Sara Stratton at 9 am on
Thursdays following the Tuesday evening class. Childcare not provided.