Junior High | DISCERN
Eph. 4:15 | “but speaking truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ”
At CBC, our Junior High students are taught the Scriptures and how God's Word affects their lives. They are challenged to test themselves to see if they “are in the faith” (2 Cor. 13:5).
God's commands and promises are presented to equip these young ones, while we try to incite a strong love for God’s Word (the sum of which is truth) in their hearts (Psalm 119:160). Questions are encouraged, words are defined, and biblical concepts are explained. The Gospel message is always key in each lesson.
Hebrews 5:14 | “But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern both good and evil.”
In a world of constant confusion & shifting “truths”, we desire to point our young men & women to the lone & unshifting truth of God’s word. Our hope is to train young men and women to be strong proponents and discerners of scripture in such a way that builds upon the foundation that has already been laid out in our children’s ministries. If we can cast out a strong anchor for them to fasten their lives to, especially for the storms that can lie ahead, then we have not spent this short span of their lives in vain. We don’t want to feed them milk & crackers, or tickle their ears as 2 Timothy 4:3 states; instead we desire for them to practice and consume the meat of God’s word and discern how a true believer should apply and use it in their everyday lives as 2 Timothy 4:2 commands. This comes through the gift of teaching well, equipping parents where able, and training our children in the practice of being good expositional learners & listeners.
It is not lost on us that many students that come through our doors may not have considered the salvation of Christ or believe He is our Holy & Eternal sacrifice. It is our mission to preach the gospel to them daily through the word, through our actions, and by teaching them that true discernment can only begin by first bowing the knee to Christ as our eternal sacrifice for sin. If salvation is in His plan, we want them to be plugged into the bottomless well of knowledge in His word. So that, when the storms ahead do come they have their anchor already cast in the rock of God's word. This is done through the lone power of the Holy Spirit of God & His Word.
Junior High | DISCERN
Sunday’s @ 9AM – Daryl & Diane Schmidt
Sunday’s @ 6PM – Ryan & Melissa Chandler - The Fundamentals of the Faith
There are times of fellowship outside of the classroom, as well. “Game-O-Rama” and “Out with the Old, & in with the New” are much anticipated each year!