4-8 Tonight - Soup & Games Fellowship - CBC
You can still join us! Use the code or go to https://
signup.com/go/civesnR to sign up, view the menu, & see
what to bring. Dinner served 6-6:45 pm.

Annual Presentation of Elders

All Elders are to be annually examined in light of biblical qualifications.
There is to be a one-month period for the congregation to direct
encouragement or concerns to the Elders. The proposed Elders of
Cornerstone Bible Church for the coming year are Tim Elsner, Kris
Stratton, Eric Hershberger, & David Carp. Please prayerfully consider
these men in light of I Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:6-9.

Encourage Matt & Brittany Drummond - Fostering!
Sign up to provide for specific needs; bring gifts to the table in the foyer
today through March 5. Questions? See Sara Stratton.

2023 Graduates
If you are graduating from high school, junior college, college or
university this spring, or know someone at CBC who is, please inform
the CBC office by March 12.