
6:00 pm - Evening Service - 1 John 5:1-3
> Age 4-Grade 6 - Adventure Club > Junior High - Power Room
> Youth Group - Manhattan House > Nursery provided for Ages 0-3

Annual Presentation of Elders
All Elders are to be annually examined by the congregation in light of
Biblical qualifications. There is to be a one-month period for the
congregation to direct encouragement or concerns to the Elders. The
proposed Elders of Cornerstone Bible Church for the coming year are
Tim Elsner, Kris Stratton, Eric Hershberger, & David Carp. Please take
this time to prayerfully consider these men in light of I Timothy 3:1-7 &
Titus 1:6-9.

Men’s Chili Cook-Off, 6 pm, Fri., Feb 2, CBC
Come for fellowship & food, and participate in the cook-off. Josué
Pineda Dale, of GBC in Hutchinson, will encourage us from the Word.
Fathers are welcome to bring sons, no age restrictions. Sign up on the
bulletin board.

CBC Annual Meeting - 5 pm, Sun., Feb. 11
Our Elders will highlight plans for the rest of the year along with the
quarterly financial update. No nursery care provided.

Bible Club Snacks - Snacks are still needed for March and April.
Sign up on the bulletin board. Please see Mary Downey with questions.

Ladies’ Mini Prayer Retreat - Sat., Feb 24
Meeting at 9 am and ending at noon. See flyer for more information.