
No Service Tonight - Fellowship Meals in Homes

Embrace Change for Life - Bottles Due TODAY

CBC Directory Photos
If you missed last Sunday, photos of new additions to our church family
will be taken after the morning service - for those have not previously
done so, have had a change in your family (a birth, marriage, etc.,) or
your photo is over a few years old. Contact Melissa Chandler with
questions. NOTE: Personal/contact information should continue to be
updated online at

New Adult Sunday School Series
David Carp (& others) are teaching on The Attributes of God, meeting in
the basement. Other classes are continuing.

5:11 Groups to Resume in the Fall
If you have not been part of one of these groups in the past, and are
interested, please see Pastor Tim or Pastor Kris.

David Beakley to Preach Sunday Morning, July 2

Ranger Joe Begins Next Sunday Evening, July 2
For Ages 4-10; nursery provided for Ages 0-3.

Parenting - 6 pm, Sundays, July 9-Aug. 6
For Everyone - Four sessions of biblical instruction from the elders.
Fellowship & tasty treats to follow each session.