
No Service or Youth Activities at CBC Tonight

VBS - Mornings, This Week, June 5-9!
Continue to pray for the children & workers. To provide still-needed
breakfast items for workers, sign up on the bulletin board; snacks,
take slips in the foyer. Kids can find their team on the bulletin board.

Neighborhood Evangelism/Outreach - 7 pm, Wed.
Meet at CBC to go door-to-door talking with people about the gospel.

Fellowship Meals - Sign up! Response Due by June 11
Take a sign-up sheet from the back table, returning it there, or to
Melody Yarnall, no later than Sunday, June 11.

Adult Sunday School Series Starts June 11
David Carp (& others) will teach on The Attributes of God, in the
basement. Other classes continue.

Splash Park Ladies - 10 am, Tues., June 13
All ladies, with or without kids, welcome! Bring a sack lunch/snack.

Parenting - 6 pm, Sundays, July 9-Aug. 6
For Everyone - Four sessions of biblical instruction from the elders.
Fellowship & tasty treats to follow each session.

Embrace Change for Life - Bottles Due June 25