
6:00 pm - Philippians 4:8–9
> Age 4-Grade 6 - Adventure Club > Junior High - Power Room
> Youth Group - Manhattan House > Nursery provided for Ages 0-3

Men & Boys Campout at Lake Afton - Oct. 13-14
Information & sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Take a flyer from the
back table.

Corporate Prayer This Sat., Oct. 14 8:30-9:30 am
New Feature! No longer just prayer for our missionaries - now also
includes focused prayer for our church body. Join us!

Hayride Fellowship - Sun., Oct. 22 - Sign Up!
Our annual outdoor fall fellowship is just around the
corner! Please be sure to sign up. Take a flyer from the
back table for more info.

Baptism - Please see Pastors Tim or Kris if you desire to be baptized.

Church-Wide Clean-up Day - Sat., Oct. 28 at 8 am
Spend a few hours in fellowship over indoor and outdoor projects. Sign
up on the bulletin board. See Drew Heide for what to bring.